Installation Guide for PyQBF#


pip install --user git+


Git has to be available for this command to work

Install from Git Repository#

PyQBF can be cloned the following way.

git clone --recursive

Or, if you already cloned the project

git submodule update --init --recursive

Then the project can be installed by navigating to the directory and executing the following command .. code-block:

pip install .


PyQBF is not supported on Windows-systems!


Currently, MacOS is not fully supported by PyQBF due to problems in the building pipeline.

List of Requirements#

NOTE: these requirements (usually) do not have to be installed manually. Pip will take care of them during the installation. If problems occur, here are the system-dependencies needed for running PyQBF. In the following subsections you will furthermore find the commands to install the dependencies on your operating system.

  • CMake version >= 3.13

  • Python >= 3.8

  • g++ Compiler

  • ZeroMQ (dev)

  • ZLib (dev)


Python should already be pre-installed.

apt-get -y install cmake g++ libzmq3-dev zlib1g-dev


dnf install cmake python3-devel python3-pip g++ zeromq-devel zlib-devel  -y